I think it's time for you to be realistic and accept that your Mac is a wonderful machine still but is an old lady now. Apple have decided to drop support for OpenGL and move to Metal which has pretty much forced EA into this update and providing the Legacy Edition for those whose Macs don't support Metal. The Gallery is not part of the base game, it is an additional free online feature provided by Maxis/EA.ĥ. You cannot however install any more content.Ĥ. You can still play the game you bought as it is required to be installed for the Legacy Edition to work. No, you won't get a refund and I think it would be unreasonable to expect one.
Apple class any Mac older than 6 as vintage and unsupported.ģ. I can't imagine there are many 10 year old Windows machines out there that can still run the game.Ģ. But it is now old and not capable of supporting newer technology. Your Mac is 10 years old and has served you admirably and with devotion. get why you are upset over a game you really love, believe me I do But there are a number of things you should consider:ġ.